Purpose Statement
The Inland Empire Rail Transit Association
(InlandRail) is a nonpartisan organization advocating for rail transit as part of a more balanced transportation network for the Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho region.
Mission Statement
InlandRail recognizes there is a necessary and inseparable link between land use planning and transportation infrastructure
development. We are committed to a wider understanding of that relationship in order to promote sustainable growth,
economic vitality, affordable citizen mobility, and community character. This is accomplished by networking with and
distributing information to other organizations, businesses, elected officials, and private citizens toward an
improved understanding of the overall benefits and cost effectiveness of rail transit.
Goals & Objectives
InlandRail advocates the following priorities:
- A regional light rail system serving Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho, fully integrated into the overall
transportation network, with:
- Primary alignment running east - west along the former Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way
- Linkage between the Spokane Airport and surrounding regional communities, extending east to Coeur d'Alene
- Extensions to the north in new or existing mobility corridors such as Maple-Ash, Division, and the North/South Freeway
- Southern extensions; including a possible combined auto/rail tunnel under the Dishman Hills providing a new
link between the South Hill area and Spokane Valley
- Re-establishment of a downtown streetcar circulator system serving the central business district and adjacent university
district, medical centers, and emerging higher density urban residential development
- Designed to function as an integrated component of the overall regional transit network with seamless
connectivity between the regional light rail system, downtown streetcar system, and fixed-route bus service
- Significant enhancement of the regional intercity rail service running between Eastern Washington and the Seattle
metropolitan area on the west side of the state
- Acquisition of spur lines and short line railways for upgrade toward a more comprehensive regional freight mobility
and rail transit network